Part 56: Epilogue
EpilogueSo, what happened to everyone after the battle?
The handsome prince and the beautiful princess got married and had a hundred children.
The desert people rebuilt their city and lived in peace for the rest of their lives.
The jungle people's fruit grew bigger and sweeter than ever before.
The exiled prince went back home and became a wise and benevolent king.
The ruins of the city became a lush greenland where nobody ever had to go hungry again.
And as for our heroes, well...
They went off in search of the next great adventure, of course.
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As long as there are dreamers who have the courage to pursue their dreams, the world will have heroes. And as long as there is a thirst to discover the unknown, there will be new stories to tell...and new adventures to be had.
And after that? Well, after that they all lived happily ever after.